I have always been a fairly decent cook. I have tried various cuisines, and mostly my expertise is in savory dishes. Never been fond of sweets/desserts and also never tried to make them. Of course I have tried the occasional Kesari and payasam with my mother's recipes and tips. They have always come out ok. When it came to baking, I have also gone savory. I have made Au gratins, which have come out great. I have also successfully Indianised them to suit our taste buds.
However, baking desserts is something I never did, thought of doing or had the slightest idea of how to either! When I had my LG, it suddenly hit me that I was now a mother. It was now my duty to feed her and her little friends dishes that they would love (in future of course, considering she was only a month old and only BF then). That, I was certain was going to include cakes, brownies, muffins and the like. Panic hit! Then my ever amazing mom made payasam on the day she turned one month old. This got the ball rolling and I decided to celebrate her birthday every month (on the date she was born) until she turned one year old. Celebrate that is by making some dessert and making her wear new clothes. The dessert of course has always been only for us so far (since she is only five months old now), poor baby!
Since I hated Indian sweets even more and they were quite complex in their recipes for my taste, I turned to baking. I baked my first ever cake the day my LG turned one month old. My resourceful husband came back with several bags of flour when I asked him to buy one. This also was an important factor in ensuring that I had to bake more and challenged myself to do so before the infamous little weevils made the flour their food. Thus started my baking endeavour with one good reason and several sillier reasons. But amazingly, I have in five months baked about seven cakes and many batches of muffins! I am happy to report that not only can I bake decently, but I have also finished the bags of flour that my husband bought! :)
Now I am an official baker, stocking chocolates, raisins, cinnamon, baking powder, flour etc., Me! Can you imagine? Maybe you can if you have always baked; but me! One challenge faced and passed with decent colours. It has been fun. Let me know if you are like me and need some motivation and tips to start baking. Would love to help start up all the fun and fun it has certainly been! :)